Lebanon Makes Major Strides in Aesthetics

Though Ms. Fakih is now Miss. USA, she still cannot wear a bikini in her home country

Yesterday, a Lebanese-American woman named Rima Fakih from Dearborn, Michigan became the first Arab-American and/or Muslim to win the Miss USA pageant.  From Ya Libnan:

The 24-year-old brunette from Michigan beat out four blondes and 46 other women for the 2010 Miss USA title after nearly stumbling in her evening gown.

Fakih won the pageant Sunday night after swimsuit, evening gown and interview competitions.

During the competition, Fakih nearly fell while finishing her walk in a long, strapless gown because of the length of its train, but she recovered without a spill and went on to win.

In the interview, Fakih was asked whether she thought birth control should be paid for by health insurance, and she said she believed it should.

[tweetmeme] Though Fakih will now represent the US in the prestigious Miss Universe contest (where she will presumably have to face those Lebanese who emigrated to other galaxies), she still needs to be careful when returning to Lebanon.  As Al Arabiyya reports, donning a two-piece bathing suit in Beirut is technically still illegal and punishable by a 250 Lebanese-Syrian pound (a currency that no longer exists) fine.

Photo from Ya Libnan

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4 thoughts on “Lebanon Makes Major Strides in Aesthetics

    1. Well, technically, yes. But it simply goes to show hoow far Lebanon has come. The fact that the punishment is a fine in a obsolete currency should demonstrate how antiquated it is.

  1. I live in Beirut and believe me, women wear bikinis!!!!! Small ones too! Please change your information to be less misleading – you make it seem like this is Saudi Arabia…

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